207,578명 (전체방문자), 4,321명 (오늘방문자)

January 4th in South Korea: Historical events and meaningful days

작성자 정보

  • HUB 작성
  • 작성일

컨텐츠 정보


Here is a detailed explanation of January 4th in South Korea:

  1. Basic Information about the Date
    January 4th is a regular date on the calendar in South Korea and is not a public holiday, but rather a weekday. It falls in the middle of winter, a season that is prevalent in December and January in South Korea.

  2. Historical Events Related to January 4th
    January 4th has witnessed several important events in South Korean history. For example:

    • January 4, 1972: The "Kim Dae-jung Kidnapping Incident" occurred. On this day, the prominent political figure Kim Dae-jung was kidnapped in Tokyo, Japan, and forcibly brought to Seoul. This event is regarded as a significant political incident in South Korean modern history.
    • January 4, 2010: Kim Jong-il, the North Korean leader, made remarks criticizing both South Korea and the United States, escalating tensions between North and South Korea.
  3. Weather on January 4th
    January 4th falls in the heart of winter in South Korea, and the weather is generally cold. In most areas, including Seoul, temperatures drop below freezing, with the possibility of snow or rain.

  4. Special Celebrations or Cultural Events
    While January 4th is not a national public holiday, it may be celebrated or recognized for its historical or cultural significance. For example, it could be an important personal or institutional anniversary, such as a company’s founding day.

  5. Social Context
    As it is early in the year, many people start to set or implement their New Year’s plans. Schools and offices begin their activities for the new year, with students continuing their winter break.

January 4th is not a designated public holiday or national commemoration day in South Korea, but it holds historical significance and can be meaningful in social and personal contexts. If you are seeking information about specific events or incidents related to this day, more detailed answers can be provided based on your needs.

This content is provided as general reference material. For more precise analysis and professional advice, it is recommended to consult experts in the relevant fields.


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