1A09.0 Salmonella EnteritisOverview: Salmonella enteritis is an infection caused…
1A09 Infections Due to Other SalmonellaOverview: "Infections due to other Salmon…
1A08 Paratyphoid FeverOverview: Paratyphoid fever is a bacterial infection cause…
1A07.Z Typhoid Fever, UnspecifiedOverview: "Typhoid fever, unspecified" (coded a…
1A07.Y Other Specified Typhoid FeverOverview: The term "Other specified typhoid …
1A07.0 Typhoid PeritonitisOverview: Typhoid peritonitis is a severe and potentia…
1A07 Typhoid FeverOverview: Typhoid fever is a life-threatening infectious disea…
1A05 Intestinal Infections Due to Yersinia enterocoliticaOverview: Yersinia ente…
1A03.Z Intestinal Infections Due to Escherichia coli, UnspecifiedOverview: "Inte…
1A03.Y Intestinal Infections Due to Other Specified Escherichia coliOverview: Es…
1A03.3 Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) InfectionEnterohaemorrhagic Es…
1A00 Cholera: A Detailed Explanation Cholera is an infectious disease caused by …
Osteopath (오스티오패스)정의 Osteopath는 의학적 치료, 수술, 약물 처방이 가능한 면허를 가진 의사입니다. 오스티오패시(Oste…
Iodides: 자세한 설명Iodides는 아이오딘(Iodine)을 포함하는 염화물 화합물입니다. 이들은 갑상선 호르몬의 과도한 생산을 억제하기…