룻1:22 나오미가 모압 지방에서 그의 며느리 모압 여인 룻과 함께 돌아왔는데 그들이 보리 추수 시작할 때에 베들레헴에 이르렀더라 [Ruth 1] 22.So Naomi returned from Moab accompanied by Ruth the Moabitess, her daughter-in-law, arriving in Bethlehem as the barley harvest was beginning.
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룻1:22 나오미가 모압 지방에서 그의 며느리 모압 여인 룻과 함께 돌아왔는데 그들이 보리 추수 시작할 때에 베들레헴에 이르렀더라
[Ruth 1]22.So Naomi returned from Moab accompanied by Ruth the Moabitess, her daughter-in-law, arriving in Bethlehem as the barley harvest was beginning.
[Ruth 1]22.So Naomi returned from Moab accompanied by Ruth the Moabitess, her daughter-in-law, arriving in Bethlehem as the barley harvest was beginning.