삼하13:27 압살롬이 간청하매 왕이 암논과 왕의 모든 아들을 그와 함께 그에게 보내니라 [2 Samuel 13] 27.But Absalom urged him, so he sent with him Amnon and the rest of the king's sons.
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삼하13:27 압살롬이 간청하매 왕이 암논과 왕의 모든 아들을 그와 함께 그에게 보내니라
[2 Samuel 13]27.But Absalom urged him, so he sent with him Amnon and the rest of the king's sons.
[2 Samuel 13]27.But Absalom urged him, so he sent with him Amnon and the rest of the king's sons.