삼하14:18 왕이 그 여인에게 대답하여 이르되 바라노니 내가 네게 묻는 것을 내게 숨기지 말라 여인이 이르되 내 주 왕은 말씀하옵소서 [2 Samuel 14] 18.Then the king said to the woman, "Do not keep from me the answer to what I am going to ask you." "Let my lord the king speak," the woman said.
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삼하14:18 왕이 그 여인에게 대답하여 이르되 바라노니 내가 네게 묻는 것을 내게 숨기지 말라 여인이 이르되 내 주 왕은 말씀하옵소서
[2 Samuel 14]18.Then the king said to the woman, "Do not keep from me the answer to what I am going to ask you." "Let my lord the king speak," the woman said.
[2 Samuel 14]18.Then the king said to the woman, "Do not keep from me the answer to what I am going to ask you." "Let my lord the king speak," the woman said.