삼하16:18 후새가 압살롬에게 이르되 그렇지 아니하니이다 내가 여호와와 이 백성 모든 이스라엘의 택한 자에게 속하여 그와 함께 있을 것이니이다 [2 Samuel 16] 18.Hushai said to Absalom, "No, the one chosen by the LORD, by these people, and by all the men of Israel--his I will be, and I will remain with him.
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삼하16:18 후새가 압살롬에게 이르되 그렇지 아니하니이다 내가 여호와와 이 백성 모든 이스라엘의 택한 자에게 속하여 그와 함께 있을 것이니이다
[2 Samuel 16]18.Hushai said to Absalom, "No, the one chosen by the LORD, by these people, and by all the men of Israel--his I will be, and I will remain with him.
[2 Samuel 16]18.Hushai said to Absalom, "No, the one chosen by the LORD, by these people, and by all the men of Israel--his I will be, and I will remain with him.