왕상1:41 아도니야와 그와 함께 한 손님들이 먹기를 마칠 때에 다 들은지라 요압이 뿔나팔 소리를 듣고 이르되 어찌하여 성읍 중에서 소리가 요란하냐 [1 Kings 1] 41.Adonijah and all the guests who were with him heard it as they were finishing their feast. On hearing the sound of the trumpet, Joab asked, "What's the mean
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왕상1:41 아도니야와 그와 함께 한 손님들이 먹기를 마칠 때에 다 들은지라 요압이 뿔나팔 소리를 듣고 이르되 어찌하여 성읍 중에서 소리가 요란하냐
[1 Kings 1]41.Adonijah and all the guests who were with him heard it as they were finishing their feast. On hearing the sound of the trumpet, Joab asked, "What's the meaning of all the noise in the city?"
[1 Kings 1]41.Adonijah and all the guests who were with him heard it as they were finishing their feast. On hearing the sound of the trumpet, Joab asked, "What's the meaning of all the noise in the city?"