왕상2:29 어떤 사람이 솔로몬 왕에게 아뢰되 요압이 여호와의 장막으로 도망하여 제단 곁에 있나이다 솔로몬이 여호야다의 아들 브나야를 보내며 이르되 너는 가서 그를 치라 [1 Kings 2] 29.King Solomon was told that Joab had fled to the tent of the LORD and was beside the altar. Then Solomon ordered Benaiah son of Jehoiada, "Go, st
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왕상2:29 어떤 사람이 솔로몬 왕에게 아뢰되 요압이 여호와의 장막으로 도망하여 제단 곁에 있나이다 솔로몬이 여호야다의 아들 브나야를 보내며 이르되 너는 가서 그를 치라
[1 Kings 2]29.King Solomon was told that Joab had fled to the tent of the LORD and was beside the altar. Then Solomon ordered Benaiah son of Jehoiada, "Go, strike him down!"
[1 Kings 2]29.King Solomon was told that Joab had fled to the tent of the LORD and was beside the altar. Then Solomon ordered Benaiah son of Jehoiada, "Go, strike him down!"