왕상7:39 그 받침 수레 다섯은 성전 오른쪽에 두었고 다섯은 성전 왼쪽에 두었고 성전 오른쪽 동남쪽에는 그 바다를 두었더라 [1 Kings 7] 39.He placed five of the stands on the south side of the temple and five on the north. He placed the Sea on the south side, at the southeast corner of the temple.
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왕상7:39 그 받침 수레 다섯은 성전 오른쪽에 두었고 다섯은 성전 왼쪽에 두었고 성전 오른쪽 동남쪽에는 그 바다를 두었더라
[1 Kings 7]39.He placed five of the stands on the south side of the temple and five on the north. He placed the Sea on the south side, at the southeast corner of the temple.
[1 Kings 7]39.He placed five of the stands on the south side of the temple and five on the north. He placed the Sea on the south side, at the southeast corner of the temple.