삼하18:28 아히마아스가 외쳐 왕께 아뢰되 평강하옵소서 하고 왕 앞에서 얼굴을 땅에 대고 절하며 이르되 왕의 하나님 여호와를 찬양하리로소이다 그의 손을 들어 내 주 왕을 대적하는 자들을 넘겨주셨나이다 하니 [2 Samuel 18] 28.Then Ahimaaz called out to the king, "All is well!" He bowed down before the king with his face to the ground and said, "
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삼하18:28 아히마아스가 외쳐 왕께 아뢰되 평강하옵소서 하고 왕 앞에서 얼굴을 땅에 대고 절하며 이르되 왕의 하나님 여호와를 찬양하리로소이다 그의 손을 들어 내 주 왕을 대적하는 자들을 넘겨주셨나이다 하니
[2 Samuel 18]28.Then Ahimaaz called out to the king, "All is well!" He bowed down before the king with his face to the ground and said, "Praise be to the LORD your God! He has delivered up the men who lifted their hands against my lord the king."
[2 Samuel 18]28.Then Ahimaaz called out to the king, "All is well!" He bowed down before the king with his face to the ground and said, "Praise be to the LORD your God! He has delivered up the men who lifted their hands against my lord the king."