민3:10 너는 아론과 그의 아들들을 세워 제사장 직무를 행하게 하라 외인이 가까이 하면 죽임을 당할 것이니라 [Numbers 3] 10.Appoint Aaron and his sons to serve as priests; anyone else who approaches the sanctuary must be put to death."
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민3:10 너는 아론과 그의 아들들을 세워 제사장 직무를 행하게 하라 외인이 가까이 하면 죽임을 당할 것이니라
[Numbers 3]10.Appoint Aaron and his sons to serve as priests; anyone else who approaches the sanctuary must be put to death."
[Numbers 3]10.Appoint Aaron and his sons to serve as priests; anyone else who approaches the sanctuary must be put to death."