삿18:3 그들이 미가의 집에 있을 때에 그 레위 청년의 음성을 알아듣고 그리로 돌아가서 그에게 이르되 누가 너를 이리로 인도하였으며 네가 여기서 무엇을 하며 여기서 무엇을 얻었느냐 하니 [Judges 18] 3.When they were near Micah's house, they recognized the voice of the young Levite; so they turned in there and asked him, "Who brought y
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삿18:3 그들이 미가의 집에 있을 때에 그 레위 청년의 음성을 알아듣고 그리로 돌아가서 그에게 이르되 누가 너를 이리로 인도하였으며 네가 여기서 무엇을 하며 여기서 무엇을 얻었느냐 하니
[Judges 18]3.When they were near Micah's house, they recognized the voice of the young Levite; so they turned in there and asked him, "Who brought you here? What are you doing in this place? Why are you here?"
[Judges 18]3.When they were near Micah's house, they recognized the voice of the young Levite; so they turned in there and asked him, "Who brought you here? What are you doing in this place? Why are you here?"