삿18:20 그 제사장이 마음에 기뻐하여 에봇과 드라빔과 새긴 우상을 받아 가지고 그 백성 가운데로 들어가니라 [Judges 18] 20.Then the priest was glad. He took the ephod, the other household gods and the carved image and went along with the people.
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삿18:20 그 제사장이 마음에 기뻐하여 에봇과 드라빔과 새긴 우상을 받아 가지고 그 백성 가운데로 들어가니라
[Judges 18]20.Then the priest was glad. He took the ephod, the other household gods and the carved image and went along with the people.
[Judges 18]20.Then the priest was glad. He took the ephod, the other household gods and the carved image and went along with the people.