삿20:21 베냐민 자손이 기브아에서 나와서 당일에 이스라엘 사람 이만 이천 명을 땅에 엎드러뜨렸으나 [Judges 20] 21.The Benjamites came out of Gibeah and cut down twenty-two thousand Israelites on the battlefield that day.
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삿20:21 베냐민 자손이 기브아에서 나와서 당일에 이스라엘 사람 이만 이천 명을 땅에 엎드러뜨렸으나
[Judges 20]21.The Benjamites came out of Gibeah and cut down twenty-two thousand Israelites on the battlefield that day.
[Judges 20]21.The Benjamites came out of Gibeah and cut down twenty-two thousand Israelites on the battlefield that day.