삼상26:3 사울이 광야 앞 하길라 산 길가에 진 치니라 다윗이 광야에 있더니 사울이 자기를 따라 광야로 들어옴을 알고 [1 Samuel 26] 3.Saul made his camp beside the road on the hill of Hakilah facing Jeshimon, but David stayed in the desert. When he saw that Saul had followed him there,
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삼상26:3 사울이 광야 앞 하길라 산 길가에 진 치니라 다윗이 광야에 있더니 사울이 자기를 따라 광야로 들어옴을 알고
[1 Samuel 26]3.Saul made his camp beside the road on the hill of Hakilah facing Jeshimon, but David stayed in the desert. When he saw that Saul had followed him there,
[1 Samuel 26]3.Saul made his camp beside the road on the hill of Hakilah facing Jeshimon, but David stayed in the desert. When he saw that Saul had followed him there,