삼상27:12 아기스가 다윗을 믿고 말하기를 다윗이 자기 백성 이스라엘에게 심히 미움을 받게 되었으니 그는 영원히 내 부하가 되리라고 생각하니라 [1 Samuel 27] 12.Achish trusted David and said to himself, "He has become so odious to his people, the Israelites, that he will be my servant forever."
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삼상27:12 아기스가 다윗을 믿고 말하기를 다윗이 자기 백성 이스라엘에게 심히 미움을 받게 되었으니 그는 영원히 내 부하가 되리라고 생각하니라
[1 Samuel 27]12.Achish trusted David and said to himself, "He has become so odious to his people, the Israelites, that he will be my servant forever."
[1 Samuel 27]12.Achish trusted David and said to himself, "He has become so odious to his people, the Israelites, that he will be my servant forever."