삼하16:14 왕과 그와 함께 있는 백성들이 다 피곤하여 한 곳에 이르러 거기서 쉬니라 [2 Samuel 16] 14.The king and all the people with him arrived at their destination exhausted. And there he refreshed himself.
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삼하16:14 왕과 그와 함께 있는 백성들이 다 피곤하여 한 곳에 이르러 거기서 쉬니라
[2 Samuel 16]14.The king and all the people with him arrived at their destination exhausted. And there he refreshed himself.
[2 Samuel 16]14.The king and all the people with him arrived at their destination exhausted. And there he refreshed himself.