왕상7:31 그 받침 수레 위로 들이켜 높이가 한 규빗 되게 내민 것이 있고 그 면은 직경 한 규빗 반 되게 반원형으로 우묵하며 그 나머지 면에는 아로새긴 것이 있으며 그 내민 판들은 네모지고 둥글지 아니하며 [1 Kings 7] 31.On the inside of the stand there was an opening that had a circular frame one cubit deep. This opening was round, and with
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왕상7:31 그 받침 수레 위로 들이켜 높이가 한 규빗 되게 내민 것이 있고 그 면은 직경 한 규빗 반 되게 반원형으로 우묵하며 그 나머지 면에는 아로새긴 것이 있으며 그 내민 판들은 네모지고 둥글지 아니하며
[1 Kings 7]31.On the inside of the stand there was an opening that had a circular frame one cubit deep. This opening was round, and with its basework it measured a cubit and a half. Around its opening there was engraving. The panels of the stands were square, not round.
[1 Kings 7]31.On the inside of the stand there was an opening that had a circular frame one cubit deep. This opening was round, and with its basework it measured a cubit and a half. Around its opening there was engraving. The panels of the stands were square, not round.