왕상11:25 솔로몬의 일평생에 하닷이 끼친 환난 외에 르손이 수리아 왕이 되어 이스라엘을 대적하고 미워하였더라 [1 Kings 11] 25.Rezon was Israel's adversary as long as Solomon lived, adding to the trouble caused by Hadad. So Rezon ruled in Aram and was hostile toward Israel.
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왕상11:25 솔로몬의 일평생에 하닷이 끼친 환난 외에 르손이 수리아 왕이 되어 이스라엘을 대적하고 미워하였더라
[1 Kings 11]25.Rezon was Israel's adversary as long as Solomon lived, adding to the trouble caused by Hadad. So Rezon ruled in Aram and was hostile toward Israel.
[1 Kings 11]25.Rezon was Israel's adversary as long as Solomon lived, adding to the trouble caused by Hadad. So Rezon ruled in Aram and was hostile toward Israel.