왕하24:4 또 그가 무죄한 자의 피를 흘려 그의 피가 예루살렘에 가득하게 하였음이라 여호와께서 사하시기를 즐겨하지 아니하시니라 [2 Kings 24] 4.including the shedding of innocent blood. For he had filled Jerusalem with innocent blood, and the LORD was not willing to forgive.
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왕하24:4 또 그가 무죄한 자의 피를 흘려 그의 피가 예루살렘에 가득하게 하였음이라 여호와께서 사하시기를 즐겨하지 아니하시니라
[2 Kings 24]4.including the shedding of innocent blood. For he had filled Jerusalem with innocent blood, and the LORD was not willing to forgive.
[2 Kings 24]4.including the shedding of innocent blood. For he had filled Jerusalem with innocent blood, and the LORD was not willing to forgive.