레26:36 너희 남은 자에게는 그 원수들의 땅에서 내가 그들의 마음을 약하게 하리니 그들은 바람에 불린 잎사귀 소리에도 놀라 도망하기를 칼을 피하여 도망하듯 할 것이요 쫓는 자가 없어도 엎드러질 것이라 [Leviticus 26] 36."'As for those of you who are left, I will make their hearts so fearful in the lands of their enemies that the sound of a
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레26:36 너희 남은 자에게는 그 원수들의 땅에서 내가 그들의 마음을 약하게 하리니 그들은 바람에 불린 잎사귀 소리에도 놀라 도망하기를 칼을 피하여 도망하듯 할 것이요 쫓는 자가 없어도 엎드러질 것이라
[Leviticus 26]36."'As for those of you who are left, I will make their hearts so fearful in the lands of their enemies that the sound of a windblown leaf will put them to flight. They will run as though fleeing from the sword, and they will fall, even though no one is pursuing them.
[Leviticus 26]36."'As for those of you who are left, I will make their hearts so fearful in the lands of their enemies that the sound of a windblown leaf will put them to flight. They will run as though fleeing from the sword, and they will fall, even though no one is pursuing them.