삼하4:4 사울의 아들 요나단에게 다리 저는 아들 하나가 있었으니 이름은 므비보셋이라 전에 사울과 요나단이 죽은 소식이 이스르엘에서 올 때에 그의 나이가 다섯 살이었는데 그 유모가 안고 도망할 때 급히 도망하다가 아이가 떨어져 절게 되었더라 [2 Samuel 4] 4.(Jonathan son of Saul had a son who was lame in both feet. He was five years old when the news about Sau
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삼하4:4 사울의 아들 요나단에게 다리 저는 아들 하나가 있었으니 이름은 므비보셋이라 전에 사울과 요나단이 죽은 소식이 이스르엘에서 올 때에 그의 나이가 다섯 살이었는데 그 유모가 안고 도망할 때 급히 도망하다가 아이가 떨어져 절게 되었더라
[2 Samuel 4]4.(Jonathan son of Saul had a son who was lame in both feet. He was five years old when the news about Saul and Jonathan came from Jezreel. His nurse picked him up and fled, but as she hurried to leave, he fell and became crippled. His name was Mephibosheth.)
[2 Samuel 4]4.(Jonathan son of Saul had a son who was lame in both feet. He was five years old when the news about Saul and Jonathan came from Jezreel. His nurse picked him up and fled, but as she hurried to leave, he fell and became crippled. His name was Mephibosheth.)