삼하14:2 드고아에 사람을 보내 거기서 지혜로운 여인 하나를 데려다가 그에게 이르되 청하건대 너는 상주가 된 것처럼 상복을 입고 기름을 바르지 말고 죽은 사람을 위하여 오래 슬퍼하는 여인 같이 하고 [2 Samuel 14] 2.So Joab sent someone to Tekoa and had a wise woman brought from there. He said to her, "Pretend you are in mourning. Dress in
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삼하14:2 드고아에 사람을 보내 거기서 지혜로운 여인 하나를 데려다가 그에게 이르되 청하건대 너는 상주가 된 것처럼 상복을 입고 기름을 바르지 말고 죽은 사람을 위하여 오래 슬퍼하는 여인 같이 하고
[2 Samuel 14]2.So Joab sent someone to Tekoa and had a wise woman brought from there. He said to her, "Pretend you are in mourning. Dress in mourning clothes, and don't use any cosmetic lotions. Act like a woman who has spent many days grieving for the dead.
[2 Samuel 14]2.So Joab sent someone to Tekoa and had a wise woman brought from there. He said to her, "Pretend you are in mourning. Dress in mourning clothes, and don't use any cosmetic lotions. Act like a woman who has spent many days grieving for the dead.