삼하15:30 다윗이 감람 산 길로 올라갈 때에 그의 머리를 그가 가리고 맨 발로 울며 가고 그와 함께 가는 모든 백성들도 각각 자기의 머리를 가리고 울며 올라가니라 [2 Samuel 15] 30.But David continued up the Mount of Olives, weeping as he went; his head was covered and he was barefoot. All the people with him covered their
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삼하15:30 다윗이 감람 산 길로 올라갈 때에 그의 머리를 그가 가리고 맨 발로 울며 가고 그와 함께 가는 모든 백성들도 각각 자기의 머리를 가리고 울며 올라가니라
[2 Samuel 15]30.But David continued up the Mount of Olives, weeping as he went; his head was covered and he was barefoot. All the people with him covered their heads too and were weeping as they went up.
[2 Samuel 15]30.But David continued up the Mount of Olives, weeping as he went; his head was covered and he was barefoot. All the people with him covered their heads too and were weeping as they went up.