왕상8:33 만일 주의 백성 이스라엘이 주께 범죄하여 적국 앞에 패하게 되므로 주께로 돌아와서 주의 이름을 인정하고 이 성전에서 주께 기도하며 간구하거든 [1 Kings 8] 33."When your people Israel have been defeated by an enemy because they have sinned against you, and when they turn back to you and confess your name, prayi
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왕상8:33 만일 주의 백성 이스라엘이 주께 범죄하여 적국 앞에 패하게 되므로 주께로 돌아와서 주의 이름을 인정하고 이 성전에서 주께 기도하며 간구하거든
[1 Kings 8]33."When your people Israel have been defeated by an enemy because they have sinned against you, and when they turn back to you and confess your name, praying and making supplication to you in this temple,
[1 Kings 8]33."When your people Israel have been defeated by an enemy because they have sinned against you, and when they turn back to you and confess your name, praying and making supplication to you in this temple,