왕하4:19 그의 아버지에게 이르되 내 머리야 내 머리야 하는지라 그의 아버지가 사환에게 말하여 그의 어머니에게로 데려가라 하매 [2 Kings 4] 19."My head! My head!" he said to his father. His father told a servant, "Carry him to his mother."
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왕하4:19 그의 아버지에게 이르되 내 머리야 내 머리야 하는지라 그의 아버지가 사환에게 말하여 그의 어머니에게로 데려가라 하매
[2 Kings 4]19."My head! My head!" he said to his father. His father told a servant, "Carry him to his mother."
[2 Kings 4]19."My head! My head!" he said to his father. His father told a servant, "Carry him to his mother."