1A09.0 Salmonella EnteritisOverview: Salmonella enteritis is an infection caused…
1A09 Infections Due to Other SalmonellaOverview: "Infections due to other Salmon…
1A08 Paratyphoid FeverOverview: Paratyphoid fever is a bacterial infection cause…
1A07.Z Typhoid Fever, UnspecifiedOverview: "Typhoid fever, unspecified" (coded a…
1A07.Y Other Specified Typhoid FeverOverview: The term "Other specified typhoid …
1A07.0 Typhoid PeritonitisOverview: Typhoid peritonitis is a severe and potentia…
1A07 Typhoid FeverOverview: Typhoid fever is a life-threatening infectious disea…
1A05 Intestinal Infections Due to Yersinia enterocoliticaOverview: Yersinia ente…
1A05 Intestinal Infections Due to Yersinia enterocolitica: A Detailed Explanatio…
1A06 Gastroenteritis Due to Campylobacter: A Detailed ExplanationCampylobacter i…
알레르기 비염(Hay Fever)란?알레르기 비염(Hay Fever)은 알레르기성 비염(Allergic Rhinitis)의 일반적인 용어로, 주…