1A08 Paratyphoid FeverOverview: Paratyphoid fever is a bacterial infection cause…
1A07.Z Typhoid Fever, UnspecifiedOverview: "Typhoid fever, unspecified" (coded a…
1A07.Y Other Specified Typhoid FeverOverview: The term "Other specified typhoid …
1A07.0 Typhoid PeritonitisOverview: Typhoid peritonitis is a severe and potentia…
1A07 Typhoid FeverOverview: Typhoid fever is a life-threatening infectious disea…
1A06 Gastroenteritis Due to CampylobacterOverview: Campylobacter is a genus of b…
1A05 Intestinal Infections Due to Yersinia enterocoliticaOverview: Yersinia ente…
1A03.Z Intestinal Infections Due to Escherichia coli, UnspecifiedOverview: "Inte…
1A03.Y Intestinal Infections Due to Other Specified Escherichia coliOverview: Es…
1A03.3 Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) InfectionEnterohaemorrhagic Es…
1A03.2 Enteroinvasive Escherichia coli (EIEC) InfectionEnteroinvasive Escherichi…
Explanation of 2-element constraint: A 2-element constraint refers to a constrai…
21 CFR Part 11 is a regulation established by the Food and Drug Administration (…
The phrase "1M Queries (n)~ A unit of measure for DNS Queries (1M) resource of t…
The phrase "1-D shape (n)~ Either a straight line you draw or a shape that has a…