The phrase “Republic of Korea, April 29th” refers to a specific date within the …
Explanation of "3D Model (n)" A 3D model is a computer-generated representation …
Explanation of "3-D (adj)" The term 3-D (also written as 3D) stands for three-di…
Explanation of "3D (adj)" The term 3D stands for three-dimensional, referring to…
A 2-D shape (n) is a two-dimensional shape that exists in a flat plane and is de…
A 2-D chart (two-dimensional chart) is a type of graphical representation that d…
The term "2-D (oth)" refers to something that exists or is represented in two di…
The phrase "1-D shape (n)~ Either a straight line you draw or a shape that has a…
The term 8.3 (oth) refers to a file naming convention used in the early versions…
Lacrimal Gland (눈물샘): Lacrimal gland는 눈에서 눈물을 생산하는 중요한 기관으로, 눈의 외측 상부, 즉 눈의 바로 위…
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)Transcutaneous Electrical Nerv…
긴장성 두통 (Tension Headache) 설명:긴장성 두통 (Tension Headache)은 가장 흔한 유형의 두통으로, 대개 경미하거나…
TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) 설명:TENS(Transcutaneous Electr…
Sensorineural Hearing Loss (감각신경성 난청)Sensorineural hearing loss(감각신경성 난청)은 소리의 전…
Sensate Focus Techniques (감각 집중 기법)Sensate Focus(감각 집중) 기법은 성치료사가 사용하며, 부부나 파트너가…