40-Bit Encryption 40-bit encryption refers to a type of encryption that uses a 4…
Explanation of "3D Model (n)" A 3D model is a computer-generated representation …
1A09 Infections Due to Other SalmonellaOverview: "Infections due to other Salmon…
1A08 Paratyphoid FeverOverview: Paratyphoid fever is a bacterial infection cause…
1A07.Z Typhoid Fever, UnspecifiedOverview: "Typhoid fever, unspecified" (coded a…
1A07.Y Other Specified Typhoid FeverOverview: The term "Other specified typhoid …
1A07.0 Typhoid PeritonitisOverview: Typhoid peritonitis is a severe and potentia…
1A07 Typhoid FeverOverview: Typhoid fever is a life-threatening infectious disea…
A 2-D chart (two-dimensional chart) is a type of graphical representation that d…
A 2-byte signed integer (n) is a data type used in programming and computer syst…
The phrase "1-byte unsigned Integer (n)~ An integer data type that has a positiv…
100% Stacked Column Chart (n) A 100% stacked column chart is a variation of the …
100% Stacked Bar Chart (n) A 100% stacked bar chart is a specialized type of bar…
Type 2 Diabetes (2형 당뇨병)은 만성 질환으로, 체내의 혈당(포도당)을 제대로 사용하지 못하거나 인슐린을 충분히 생산하지 못하는 …
Type 1 Osteoporosis(제1형 골다공증)은 주로 폐경 후 여성에게 나타나는 골다공증의 한 형태로, 에스트로겐(여성호르몬)의 급격한 …